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Roof Drain Hose

Roof Drain Hose

Part Number: Roof Drain Hose
Novaflex Roof Drain Hose is manufactured for use in tanks with floating roof drain systems. It works well as a flexible elbow as it easily bends to 90°.
Also suitable for oil skimmers, suction lines and water separators. Compatible both inside and out for a wide range of PH solutions and chemicals.

Diameters: 1" to 4"  
Lengths up to 100 ft.
Operating Temperature: -40ºF to +212ºF  (-40ºC to +100ºC)

Uni-CHEM® Composite Hose are manufactured in compliance with BS 5842 and are available with EN 13765 compliant construction. Marine Service Applications: All Uni-CHEM® hose styles are constructed to marine service specifications in accordance with US Coast Guard spec.154.500 and I.M.O regulations.

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